Art for the Bikeways – Applications Open


Applications are open!

The New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition, in partnership with the City of New Orleans, is calling on artists to submit qualifications and proposals for Art for the Bikeways, multi-site public art installations meant to highlight the City of New Orleans’ investment in biking and better mobility for all residents via the new Moving New Orleans low-stress bikeway network. Art for the Bikeways is a $20,000 grant for an artist or team to design and install themed artwork at multiple locations on east and west bank sections of the Moving New Orleans bikeway network in 2021.

Download to apply >> Art for the Bikeways – Request for Qualifications & Proposals

This project seeks to activate and celebrate the people of New Orleans and the joy of being outdoors among the city’s rich scenery, greenery, and joyous culture. We hope to situate the bikeway network as a place for all people, with a special focus on the people who live here currently and those who’ve embodied the city’s past.

Seventy-five miles of new and improved protected bikeways and bike boulevards are being constructed across New Orleans in 2020 and 2021. The city’s low-stress bikeway network is designed to connect more residents to destinations via safe, comfortable biking, walking, and transit. The artwork funded via this grant is aimed to encourage and activate these new bikeways in order to foster healthy and safe mobility options for all the people of New Orleans.

More info is available here.