Why Complete Streets?

As we improve our infrastructure, New Orleanians are ready for more transportation options. Good walking, biking, and transit infrastructure benefits everyone – even those who primarily drive.

Streets built to be safe for everyone mean more ways to get to work on time, more options for connecting to the places you love, and more control of your schedule.

85% of residents agree that New Orleanians deserve as many safe transportation options as possible to get to work on time.

70% of residents think that the most efficient transportation system for New Orleans would have separate spaces for people driving, using the transit system, biking, and walking.

Streets built to share mean more safety and less stress, more control and less confusion.

Streets built to safe and accessible with protected bike lanes and traffic calming help reduce dangerous and illegal speeding, making our neighborhoods safer and more livable for everyone.

Good street infrastructure doesn’t leave people driving, biking, or walking to navigate incomplete connections that force everyone into unsafe and confusing situations. Everyone can get where they are going with the greatest safety and the least amount of hassle because the traffic flow needs of all are met through careful planning and smart construction.

Improved bike infrastructure in tandem with increasing public transit and walking accessibility ensures everyone has access to safe modes of transportation in the greater New Orleans area.

76% of New Orleanians agree that having protected lanes separating bikes from cars makes the road safer for people driving.

68% of New Orleans residents say they would be more inclined to bike if there were protective barriers separating bikes from cars.

Creating transportation options, including bicycling and transit improvements, is good for New Orleans’ businesses and workers.

Increasing safe and accessible transportation options can help our region make progress on the big issues we’re facing – public health, equity, job access & economic development, and quality-of-life!

We can all have peace on the road – and more livable communities – when we all have a piece of the road.

Our Campaign

There are lots of roadway infrastructure improvements coming to New Orleans that will increase safety and accessibility for everyone! Working closely with Mayor Cantrell and her team, the New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition has launched a campaign that includes community engagement and communications to:

1. Build awareness and support for streets that are built to be safe and accessible for people of all ages and abilities whether they’re driving, walking, biking, or taking transit,

2. Build awareness and support for the health, equity, economy, and quality-of-life benefits from safe and accessible transportation options,

3. Support the City of New Orleans’ rapid expansion of the low-stress bikeway network, and

4. Support the City’s development and implementation of an updated Complete Streets Policy that is data-driven, equity-focused, and transparent.

Detailed Resources

Members of the New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition and others have compiled detailed information about the health, economic, environmental, and quality-of-life benefits of streets built to share as well as evidence of strong public support. Just follow the links below the image.