Our Campaign

There are lots of roadway infrastructure improvements coming to New Orleans that will increase safety and accessibility for everyone! Working closely with Mayor Cantrell and her team, the New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition has launched a campaign that includes community engagement and communications to:

1. Build awareness and support for streets that are built to be safe and accessible for people of all ages and abilities whether they’re driving, walking, biking, or taking transit, 

2. Build awareness and support for the health, equity, economy, and quality-of-life benefits from safe and accessible transportation options,

3. Support the City of New Orleans’ rapid expansion of the low-stress bikeway network, and

4. Support the City’s development and implementation of an updated Complete Streets Policy that is data-driven, equity-focused, and transparent.

Community Engagement

Members of the New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition are getting out to let the people of New Orleans know about the benefits of the safety and accessibility improvements coming to our roadways! 

Have you met one of our volunteers going door-to-door? Have you seen a presentation at a neighborhood meeting or found us doing outreach at a local event? Maybe you’ve come to a bike safety workshop or a community walk with one of our partners?

Coalition members and volunteers are canvassing neighborhoods with information about our campaign and the benefits of upcoming Complete Streets projects! You can join the fun and help spread the message by volunteering with the Coalition.

The Coalition organizes tours to preview coming infrastructure improvements and learn about the details of building pedestrian amenities, a connected and protected bikeway network, and better transit connections.

Coalition members have been hosting briefings and attending community events and meetings to talk with people about Complete Streets.

Campaign Launch Photo

In September 2019, the Coalition organized the Let's Move Forward Algiers Community Festival to launch our campaign.

In 2018, Coalition members worked closely with many partners and the City of New Orleans to conduct 'Connect the Crescent', a three-month demonstration of how a connected, protected bikeway transportation network can safely and equitably serve the needs of everyone who commutes in New Orleans.

Check out our events calendar for upcoming opportunities to engage with the Coalition. If you’d like a New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition member to come present at a meeting (i.e. neighborhood association, class, business/organization briefing, etc), just drop a note to info@nolacompletestreets.org! 


To support our community engagement efforts and raise awareness of the benefits for everyone when we build streets to be safe and accessible for all modes of transportation, the New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition manages a robust communications campaign. 

Have you seen any of these billboards, bus wraps, or bus shelter posters? Or maybe you received something in the mail or saw a digital placement online? Heard us on the radio?

The New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition is spreading awareness everywhere we can about the benefits of streets built to share that have safe and accessible transportation options.

Supporting City-Led Efforts

The New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition is proud to support the efforts of the City of New Orleans and others to improve transportation options and build complete streets by ensuring strong community participation in planning and design efforts. Your input is needed!

Give your input to New Links: Reimagine Our Transit Network project being conducted by the Regional Planning Commission and the Regional Transit Authority to improve the region’s public transit system.

Participate in Moving New Orleans Bikes, part of the City of New Orleans’ overall Moving New Orleans transportation strategy, to help create a collective vision for a network of connected and protected bikeways.

Sign up to get updates from the Coalition to stay informed about all the opportunities for engaging with your government to support safe and accessible streets and transportation options for everyone.