NOCSC Activation Mini-Grants are a great way for your organization to educate residents and get them engaged with new and improved biking, walking, and transit infrastructure being installed across New Orleans!
The Complete Streets Activation Mini-Grant funds civic groups, community leaders, and individuals to develop an event or project that builds grassroots support for safe and accessible streets and highlights the benefits of the City’s expanded low-stress bikeway network.
NOCSC is a coalition of over two dozen organizations committed to building safe and accessible streets for all the people of New Orleans, so as to enhance our community’s health, equity, sustainability, prosperity, and quality-of-life. The NOCSC Activation Mini-Grant program aims to empower residents to engage their peers and celebrate the complete streets improvements currently under construction as part of Mayor Cantrell’s ‘Moving New Orleans Bikes’ initiative.
We are looking for civic and community leaders, artists/creatives, entrepreneurs, church members, and neighborhood residents based in New Orleans to lead an activity, host an event, or design a project that will help inform their community about the benefits of complete streets and the low-stress bikeway network. Eligible activities include (but are not limited to): community bike rides, walking tours, temporary art installations, essay/photo contests, and community events.
The grant size will range from $500-$2000, with an average award of $1,000. The Complete Streets Coalition aims to award between 10-20 grant proposals, varying in size and scope. Our goal is to empower residents to engage their community in this work; we welcome all costs associated with delivering a successful project. While no preference will be given to smaller or larger requests, the selection committee does reserve the right to award amended budgets.
The NOCSC Mini-Grant will accept two cohorts of applicants. The first deadline to apply was July 1st, 2020. Awardees in the first cohort are expected to complete their project between August 1st and October 31st.
The second round of applications will take place in the fall of 2020 (exact dates to be announced in September). Selected recipients will be expected to complete their projects between November 1st and March 31st, 2021.
As our world responds and changes due to COVID-19, we’re committed to remaining flexible as well as supporting our applicants to achieve their goals through this challenging time.
We also encourage applicants to create projects that respond to and take into account the current COVID-19 context because we see more safety and less stress on New Orleans streets as one avenue towards supporting healthy and resilient communities.
Bringing Safety & Less Stress to New Orleans Streets – Webinar:
If you have any more questions about the Complete Streets Activation Mini-Grant or our campaign for safer and less stressful streets in New Orleans, we hosted a webinar on Thursday, May 14th to present our campaign and answer questions.
Click here to view the slide deck presentation from our webinar.