I know there’s even more of us.
So far, we’ve received 312 signatures on our petition telling New Orleans City officials that we support Complete Streets in the CBD. It’s a good number, but to cement our progress, we need to get at least 500.
I read through every single comment. I felt people’s excitement at traveling through downtown with ease, and people’s fear of doing so now without proper street safety infrastructure. It’s these stories that keep me dedicated to bringing more safety and less stress to New Orleans streets, and I hope they’ll inspire you to sign our petition too.
Here are just a few of the comments we received on our petition:
I live downtown, and a bike is my only transportation. The Baronne bike lane is violated constantly by cars, and needs to be a protected lane. O’Keefe is worse, in that the lane disappears right before it’s needed most – a block before Poydras! – Jeffrey B
I don’t want to commute to work in fear for my life anymore. These improvements are important to cyclists and motorists as well. – Rob H.
I am 100% in support of protected bike lanes and street safety improvements in the CBD! As a worker in the area it would be beneficial to me to have easy biking access to and from work…or play. – Stacey B.
We are a 1 car family and therefore one of us has to ride to work on a bike with a child. In order to ensure the safety of New Orleanians and their children it is necessary to create safe and protected bike lanes. – Mary P.
Reading this small sampling of comments, it’s clear that Complete Streets in the CBD will benefit a wide range of New Orleanians, from people living in and working in the CBD, to people who want to bring their families downtown for a good time.
I don’t know where you fit in the mix of folks who will benefit from these streets infrastructure improvements. But if you live in New Orleans, I’m positive that they will bring more safety and less stress to your life.
Thank you for being part of this movement and helping it grow.