Our Media Campaign for Complete Streets is LIVE

To grow New Orleans’ movement for more safety and less stress on our streets, we need to reach beyond our inner circles, way beyond. 

Almost every neighborhood in New Orleans will receive street safety and accessibility infrastructure as part of the Moving New Orleans Bikes plan, so we need to make sure that people from every neighborhood are brought into the process of creating Complete Streets in New Orleans. Unfortunately, we can’t sit down for coffee and tea on every single person’s porch (though we’d certainly love to). Instead, we’re investing in a big media campaign to educate folks throughout the City on the benefits of Complete Streets.

You may have already seen some of our ads on social media, on your apps, or even on Hulu. We hope you like them and share them with your friends and family so we can keep growing this movement. 

From research and experience, we know that until people can visualize how Complete Streets will improve their lives, their neighbors’ lives, their coworkers’ lives, it’s hard for people to understand why and how new infrastructure will bring more safety and less stress to our streets. Or, they might not understand how these changes will benefit people driving and taking public transit, not just people walking and biking. Thanks to these ads, we’re showing the people of New Orleans what their world will look like with protected bikeways, ADA accessible sidewalks, improved signage, pedestrian islands, and more.

The goal is not just for you to see yourself in these images, but to see your whole community moving around our City with more safety and less stress, together.