Why We Need to Keep Speaking Out for Complete Streets

One thing is certain: we are making our voices heard. At the City’s first session of the new Complete Streets Policy Working Group, there were 177 public comments! Thank you to everyone who submitted a comment supporting the Moving New Orleans Bikes plan to build 75 miles of Complete Streets in New Orleans this year. We’ve heard back from officials and members of our coalition who attended and …

Family Bike Ride Tours the New Algiers Bikeways

This Sunday evening we were lucky to have a perfect break in the rain for the Algiers Family Bike Ride!

We started off in Berhman Park with a bike light giveaway and some informative bike safety resources, then took off down thew new Lawrence Street bike boulevard.  We rode the new bikeways on Wall Blvd.,  MacArthur, Odeon, as well as the freshly paved levee path and more.  We had a lot of fun, some great dialogue and a lot of gratitude for the city for making streets built to share a priority!

Check out some photos below and stay tuned for another Algiers family ride this summer!



Talking with People IRL About Complete Streets

A powerful tool is back in our arsenal as we work together to make biking, walking, and transit safe and accessible across New Orleans: face-to-face conversations. Can you join us for a door-to-door canvass this coming Wednesday June 2nd on Gentilly Blvd, from 4 – 630pm? Or the following week on Saturday June 12th in the 7th Ward and St. Roch neighborhoods …

Full Faith Gospel Church Bike, Walk, and Run Event May 22

On Behalf of Faith Full Gospel Baptist Church, Pastor Christopher Sylvain and First Lady Elder Cynthia Sylvain, I would like to thank New Orleans Complete Streets/Bike Easy for selecting us as a recipient of a Complete Streets Activation Mini-Grant. We were so excited to host our 1st walk, run, bike event Saturday May 22, 2021 to help bring awareness to the efforts that have been made and the continued need to make the streets of New Orleans safe for all in whatever mode of transportation one chooses by accessing safe designated pathways. We were able to keep all of our event participants safe by utilizing the current pathways that are in place, while recognizing the need that there’s more work to be done. Overall we all had a great time and a lot of fun, hats off to Laura Harris and Merrick Brown for their  excellent presentations, that helped us gain greater knowledge of where and how we can get around safely for work or play in the streets of New Orleans. Faith stands in full support of New Orleans Complete Streets/Bike easy.


Min. Natalie Reine


The Phoenix Bar – In support of Complete Streets

Tracy Deroche, owner of the Phoenix Bar on Elysian Fields, sat down with the New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition to share why he supports safe streets for all road users, how his business has benefited from the new protected bike lanes on Elysian Fields, and his hopes to see safety improve in the future. The Phoenix Bar sits on the …

Check Out the Algiers Bikeways Before & After Photos

We’re so excited about the new bikeway infrastructure being built out in Algiers!  Check out these before and after photos highlighting the new protected bikeways, pedestrian crossings and roadway improvements. Holiday Dr. at Wall Blvd.   Lawrence (Behrman Park trail)     Lawrence Street   Wall Blvd. at Murl Street   Newton Street at Arthur Monday Center Plus, a few …