The Neighborhood Resource Page for Moving New Orleans Bikes – Downtown

We’re going downtown! The New Orleans downtown area, comprised of the Central Business District, French Quarter, and Marigny, is our major job center, arts & cultural center, and regional transportation hub. That’s why we’re so excited for the Complete Streets improvements ‘Moving New Orleans Bikes’ will soon be bringing to key corridors downtown. Protected bikeways, improved walkways, and more efficient transit are on their way. Before …

Building a Protected Bike & Walkway on Peoples Ave

Sometimes, you just dive in and build Complete Streets yourself. That’s what the Edgewood Park Neighborhood Association did on Peoples Avenue, a long-time sight of illegal speeding and dumping. With a brand new, temporary mixed-use protected bike and walkway, Peoples Avenue is slowing the speed and providing designated space for people biking and walking, where before there was none (sidewalk included). We have …

New Protected Bikeways on N. Miro

As part of Mayor Cantrell’s ‘Moving New Orleans Bikes’ initiative, the City of New Orleans is reconfiguring N Miro Street in the 7th Ward to add a protected bike lane. This configuration will mirror N. Galvez Street (N. Miro’s parallel counterpart heading downriver), with parking on the left of the street, one lane of travel for motor vehicles, and a …

Why We Need to Keep Speaking Out for Complete Streets

One thing is certain: we are making our voices heard. At the City’s first session of the new Complete Streets Policy Working Group, there were 177 public comments! Thank you to everyone who submitted a comment supporting the Moving New Orleans Bikes plan to build 75 miles of Complete Streets in New Orleans this year. We’ve heard back from officials and members of our coalition who attended and …

Talking with People IRL About Complete Streets

A powerful tool is back in our arsenal as we work together to make biking, walking, and transit safe and accessible across New Orleans: face-to-face conversations. Can you join us for a door-to-door canvass this coming Wednesday June 2nd on Gentilly Blvd, from 4 – 630pm? Or the following week on Saturday June 12th in the 7th Ward and St. Roch neighborhoods …

Our Media Campaign for Complete Streets is LIVE

To grow New Orleans’ movement for more safety and less stress on our streets, we need to reach beyond our inner circles, way beyond. Almost every neighborhood in New Orleans will receive street safety and accessibility infrastructure as part of the Moving New Orleans Bikes plan, so we need to make sure that people from every neighborhood are brought into …