Local Business Owners Want Complete Streets

I want to share the perspecitves of two local business owners looking forward to what low-stress biking will mean to them and their neighborhoods.

But first, make sure to join us at the City’s community design meetings to show your support for better biking and mobility in New Orleans. You can register for the meetings by clicking here to go to the City’s calendar.

David Williams runs the Beaubourg Theatre and School located on Gravier Street in the Central Business District.

“We’re excited for the new low-stress bikeway network coming to the CBD for the peace of mind it will bring to everyone traveling downtown. For us at Beaubourg, it makes our jobs as storytellers easier when it’s easy for the community to come here, make new connections, to be creative together. When their journey is stressful or dangerous or expensive, it makes it harder for us to do what we aim to do.”

Mohammed Abdelghani is the head chef who runs Hook’s Catching and Frying on St. Bernard Avenue in the 7th Ward.

“It’s great for us because we want people to slow down while they’re outside to enjoy their surroundings. There’s already a bike lane on St. Bernard, but the cars travel too fast. It will be a beautiful thing to make the street here safer so more people can enjoy biking in the neighborhood.”

Construction is set to begin soon across these neighborhoods throughout the center of the city. Many more New Orleans residents and businesses are about to begin to feel the benefits of a truly connected, low-stress network for biking and improved mobility for all travelers.

These community design meetings are your opportunity to show up to support connected, protected bikeways and offer your feedback on the details of the City’s plans.

Thanks to David and Mohammed for sharing with us. Join us tonight and Thursday to share why better mobility is something all of New Orleans should support.